Splendid Libraries: The Kinsey Institute

Elizabeth Camden Splendid Libraries Leave a Comment

The Kinsey Institute in housed in Morrison Hall at Indiana University, where I got my Library Science degree.  While I was plugging away in graduate school, I had an internship at the library of the Kinsey Institute, the world famous research facility for sexuality and reproductive health.  Now that was an interesting place to work!


As you can imagine, the library was closed to the public unless you had authorization.  The library itself was very hard to find, as it is on one of the top floors, there is no signage, and the only means of access is through a locked stairwell.  My job was to catalog the medical journals, which was generally pretty tame, but the library also collected art, artifacts, photography, and just about anything that related to human sexuality.  I must say…..every day was a surprise when I showed up to work!

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