What’s Romantic in a Guy?

Elizabeth Camden All about Me! 9 Comments

Today is my anniversary. Now, my husband and I may be the least romantic couple on the planet. Need proof?   I have a cz engagement ring (honest…I asked for it. I wanted a down payment for a house more than a sparkly ring).    Our weekly “date night” is a Saturday morning breakfast at McDonalds….because we are both too zonked to go out on Friday night.

Here’s the thing. I’m no princess, but Bill loves me anyway. Here are the things that Bill does for me that make me feel like the most cherished woman on the planet:

· He picks out my clothes for me. I was born without a fashion gene, and I’d rather sit in a dentist’s chair rather than go shopping…. But Bill picks out clothes that will look good on me, and waits outside the dressing room to lend me advice. Really, I could not be seen in public without his advice.

· Whenever he borrows my car, it is returned with a full tank of gas. Always.

· He helps me write my books. Whenever I need to know how a man would act, or I’ve written myself into a corner and need an ingenious solution….Bill comes to the rescue. I can’t tell you how many hours we have hashed through half-written scenes and brainstormed solutions.

· He makes me laugh every single day. Without fail, even on the snarly, bickering days when I’m not a whole lot of fun to be around… he can always make me laugh.

Happy Anniversary, Bill!   Saying ‘yes’ was the smartest thing I ever did….

Comments 9

  1. Melissa

    Yay! I’ve found another non-romantic romance writer. 🙂 I wanted diamond chips in my ring because if he had to get me diamonds and I HAD to wear jewelry I wanted something I wouldn’t poke my eye out with. 🙂 And well, dates? With little ones that’s barely anything, but a babysitter, take out food, and watching a movie we bought years ago but haven’t yet watched works! Happy Anniversary to you!

  2. Susan Baganz

    I don’t know – sounds like romance to me. Love is more than flowers, candles and grand gestures. I think it is in these little caring things (and the ones you mentioned are not little at all!) that true love shines through. Congratulations!

  3. Jackie Smith

    Happy Anniversary……sounds like you have a great guy!
    Just got The Lady of Bolton Hill to read!!!

  4. Denise

    I love this! I have a white sapphire in my sterling silver ring 🙂 It was exactly what I asked for because I didn’t want to be wearing very much money on my ring finger 🙂

    I also love that he helps with your books!!!

    I just finished reading Into the Whirlwind and will be reviewing it later today on my blog. I loved it and can’t wait to read your other three books since this was my first one!

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